Friday, July 26, 2013

Amazing Cod Alternatives that Taste the Same

One problem a lot of us are becoming increasingly aware of is the shortage of particular stocks of fish in the sea. A mixture of overfishing and also environmental factors has meant that many species of fish have significantly fallen in numbers – of course, this poses both problems – an unbalance in nature and also means that these fish are seldom affordable and can’t be eaten.


One of the fish in certain danger at the moment is the humble cod. For decades we ate cod, processed cod and enjoyed everything from fish fingers to healthy cod dishes. However, cod stocks have fallen significantly, cod has risen in price and quotas for catching cod have been reduced rapidly. Fortunately, there are a number of species that are plentiful that can replace the cod, without the subtlest hint decipherable to the average fish eater.  So, let’s look at the lower costing, equally as tasty alternatives to cod.


Pollock is considered a prime cod replacement due to the abundant stocks of the fish and also the taste being very similar to the cod itself. In fact, Birdseye began to sell Pollock in their frozen dishes as far back as 2007 and to be honest covered in batter or breadcrumbs there was no difference whatsoever. Pollock is caught in the North Atlantic, a low cost, yet tasty alternative to cod, is currently in abundance and is seen as an ideal replacement. Get yourself certified in 70-448 Certification. There is 100% passing guarantee. Buy 70-642 Exam training material to get better exam results using our quality material.


This tropical water fish is also claimed to be the next big thing and is currently being farmed in Norway. It grows at a rate of around 60% faster than salmon, can reach up to 60kg in size and also has high oil content. Add to this the fact it tastes almost exactly like cod and we may have a healthy alternative to the traditional white fish.

Halibut and Haddock

Halibut and Haddock are also seen as potential cod replacements. They offer the traditional flaky white fish and also the quite mild flavour. Obviously, stocks have to be managed, but both are suitable substitutes.


Though, many of us would have been quite familiar with cod and Pollock as children, Hoki, also known as Blue Grenadier, was a more recent arrival on the market. This New Zealand fish was cited as the answer to the cod problem and Birdseye for one pushed us to eat it in abundance. However, a number of issues regarding quotas and ecological worries mean that it is now on the Greenpeace Red List and seen as being at a very high risk by artisan grocery stores. Of course, the lesson learned from Hoki is that even plentiful replacements have to be managed carefully.

Cormac Reynolds writes for a wide range of companies inncluding UK Artisan Grocery Store company Only with Tilia

cod alternativesIs cod and hake the same taste?

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